Albanian artist Anri Sala won the ABSOLUT ART AWARD 2011.His form of expression is the video, in which he connects the traditions of his homeland with his modern life (current in Berlin).
"Receiving the ABSOLUT ART AWARD feels like being rewarded more than once. It’s a great honour to me to be its recipient following, Rirkrit Tiravanija (winner of 2010). And I also feel awarded by the presence of those who could come; family, friends, old and new – an exceptional archipelago of people that ABSOLUT kindly brought together from significant places and moments of my life, making this moment so meaningful to me. I believe there is a special and candid streak in the way ABSOLUT approaches art and people”, says Anri Sala.
"Anri Sala’s work offers a unique way of looking at the world that
combines reflection on history, memories, and consciousness of the
instant, with an absolute awareness of presence and disappearance. He
possesses a special talent for precise and subtle displays, and a unique
ability to conceive installations and architectural proposals including
sound, image, sculpture, film and live performances", so the jury
chaired by Christine Macel, Chief Curator at Centre Pompidou.
15.00 Dominique Raffa
Ruins of Modernity
Valentina Azizova
16.00 Göttin des Glücks
17.00 Aquanauta
18.00 NEON
Fabio Gurjao 19.00 Anelia Peschev
20.00 Wonder Anatomie
Maibe Dusk till Dawn 21.00 Marcel Ostertag 22.00Lena Hoschek
15.00 Ina Kent
Sabine Karner
16.00 Veni Creatrix
17.00 Artpoint 18.00 Konsanszky
19.00 Corina Vladescu
20.00 Gola Zumbulidze
Tamar Kopaliani
21.00 Urban Fashion Mob
by Mario Soldo
Absolut Vodka bringt wieder eine Limited Edition (100.000 Stück für Österreich) auf den Markt: die Absolut Mode Edition. Erhältlich ab Oktober wird sie erstmals während der MQ Vienna Fashion Week.11 von 14. bis 18. September in der Absolut Lounge präsentiert.
Um dem Ganzen noch mehr Style zu verleihen werden die vier österreichischen Designer Andreas Eberharter mit seinem Label AND_i, Martina Müller mit Callisti, Barbara Habig und Marcos Valenzuela mit Tiberius ein Accessoire für die Flasche kreieren. Die Stücke werden ebenfalls in der Absolut Lounge zu bewundern sein. Vervielfältigung nicht ausgeschlossen!
What we learn about Sneakerness 2011: A bigger location is not always the better choice, special acts aside - the Ottakringer Brauerei was definitely to big. And where was the Sneakers-Dinner-Table of last year? But this time, there was a lot of art, check it out ...
On 14th September (21:00) Eva Poleschinski will show her collection "d'fender" at the MQ Vienna Fashion Week. The Hallstand was looking behind the scenes: