
Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013

Ringstrassen-Galerien Designer Award 2013: The 10 finalists

This 10 finalists will present their creations on April 17, at 8 pm - entry is free:

Nora Rieser's fashion sketch promises fashionable and wearable fashion.
Design by Nicole Komitov aka MILK. Credit: Mato Johannik.
Femininity with PVC hose and yarn by Tiffany Maria Zwierlein. Credit: Sabrina Saltori.
Alba prat's design is inspired by the movie "Thron".
Nedra Chachoua's design convinces by ease and modernity.
Men's fashion by Henning Linge.
Martina Rastinger's aka SO LCH LD Clothing's design is inspired by big women like Edith Piaf and Trude Fleischmann.
Futuristic design by Virginia Sanchez Rucabado.
Colours by Nina Kepplinger aka Ninali.

"Funktionsrock für Alles und Nichts" by Nina Hollein. Credit: Gaby Gerster.

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