
Samstag, 9. Februar 2013

Celebrate at the Rosenball

After the Opernball Stefan Ruzowitzky, Lena Hoschek & Co. celebrated until the early hours of the morning at the Rosenball:
Gery Keszler, Miss Candy and Stefan Ruzowitzky
Also the designers Thomas Kirchgrabner and Lena Hoschek (with her fiancé) switched to the Rosenball.
Stefan Ruzowitzky and his wife were storming the dance floor.
To the delight of host Miss Candy.
Lisa Millett warmed up the crowd with "Bad Habit".
And Miss Candy was performing Madonna's "Vogue".
At the Heaven Floor hosted by 42Below DJ Karotte warmed up the crowd.

 Photos: ©Jana Madzigon and © Michael C. Weber

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