
Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2011

"Winter Wonderland" at Radlager Palazzo

Do you know it's Christmas time? Yes it is, and because of it we flee from the shopping streets for example to Radlager Palazzo's "Winter Wonderland" at Westbahnstrasse 16 (1070 Vienna). In relaxed atmosphere you will find fashion, sneakers and illustrations from „Common People“, „Maiko“, „niishe“, „Minimal Wien“, „Walking Things“, „Zapateria“, „Wodka Wanessa“, „Julie Pop-CakePops“ and „Le Shop“ - among others.
14.12 - 21.12
Wednesday to Wednesday: 13:00 – 21:00
Saturday to Saturday: 11:00 – 19:00

Radlager Palazzo
Westbahnstrasse 16
1070 Vienna

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